
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

Pandemic mode

Here you have 6 questions for you: when will the pandemic end? 馃啌 Is the covid-19 vaccine reliable? 馃 Is vaccination the end of the covid-19 pandemic? ∞ what are you doing during the pandemic? 馃捇 what will you do during the pandemic? 馃憖 will you go on vacation in pandemic? 馃寠                                        ☣if you want, you can give me your perception of the pandemic...☣ When I thought about a pandemic, I always imagined something similar to the bubonic plague.     The covid-19 pandemic has totally changed our lifestyle. In these months, I´m going to dedicate to take care of my family and save money for vacations.  So, for my vacations I´ll travel to a place far away from cities and people for example i would like visit Atacama Desert or The Antarctic also,   I´ll try to take care of myself so, I don't get infected with covid during my vacations. Then, I´m going to get tattooed and pierced. I think the covid-19 pandemic will be over in a long time because the coronavirus
When i was a child i wanted to be an agronomist. i was always collecting plants or planting seeds all over the place waiting for trees to grow. When I applied to the university my first choice was forestry engineering because it is what I really like and my second choice was biology pedagogy, I am studying forestry engineering at the moment because it is a career that focuses mainly on native flora and I can learn a lot about forests.  When I started studying at the university I met many people and places, I learned many interesting things, but then the pandemic and the virtual classes started, so the experience in the faculty only lasted 1 year. In the future I would like to work as a teacher in schools because I think it is a job with a lot of vocation, but first I must finish my current degree and then study a postgraduate degree in education. 
I have always liked to listen to music and I also believe that headphones have been the best technological invention. when i was a child my grandparents gift me a headphones white that i liked because it were big and comfortabled. I think that headphones are very easy to use because you have to connect it to a music player like smartphone, tablet, computer, mp3 player and other mobile device (that can play music, podcast or radio). Currently i use headphone everyday, when i have a class, a phone call or listening to music. In the pandemic people use more this tecnological pice because the advance that have is impressionable, now you can find wireless headphones and every colors.  i like headphones because give me more privacity at the time of listen to music or when i am on a phone call. My life without headphones will be bored and very diferent in fact i cant imagine walking in the street and listening to music in a speaker,  its no my style.