When i was a child i wanted to be an agronomist. i was always collecting plants or planting seeds all over the place waiting for trees to grow.

When I applied to the university my first choice was forestry engineering because it is what I really like and my second choice was biology pedagogy, I am studying forestry engineering at the moment because it is a career that focuses mainly on native flora and I can learn a lot about forests. 

When I started studying at the university I met many people and places, I learned many interesting things, but then the pandemic and the virtual classes started, so the experience in the faculty only lasted 1 year.

In the future I would like to work as a teacher in schools because I think it is a job with a lot of vocation, but first I must finish my current degree and then study a postgraduate degree in education. 


  1. I'm glad that at least you've been able to experience, even for a year, what it's like to be at the university haha

  2. Hi Víctor, I loved your dream of the future, I know you will be a great teacher. <3


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